An Intro to ContentOps for Small Teams

You probably know the term DevOps: With DevOps, developers aim to do their jobs better with less friction by constantly improving how they do them. It’s a practice to optimize the efficiency and reliability of systems through automation and continuous delivery.

The same is true for ContentOps. We want to make working with content more efficient while keeping or even increasing its quality.

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What is Content Strategy? – Why we don’t need a definition

I am not a fan of definitions. When you look up the definition of X, you assume that somebody has figured out exactly what X is. In my opinion, definitions should keep on evolving, but we tend to treat them as facts and start closing our minds as to what X could mean.

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Why bootstrapped content products suck

A list of tech podcasts.
The ultimate guide to entrepreneurship.
A handpicked selection of top Slack groups.
A resource collection for growth hackers.

You know these kinds of products by fellow indie makers and creators. Many of them suck – but not because they are not well-made or the idea behind them isn’t useful. It’s because most of their content is abandoned after publishing.

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Personal Branding for Creators: Find your Story

“One of the most powerful decisions a maker can take is to stop hiding behind their products.”

Anne-Laure Le Cunff
Make & Shine – An indie maker’s guide to ​personal branding

As an indie maker, your products are tied to you as a person. You are the one building them up from nothing, and self-funding to realize your own ideas. Without media budgets and resources, your best chance to reach people (and potential customers) is being your unique self.

But who are you, really? A very uncomfortable question. Do you have an answer that isn’t just a label, like “designer” or “developer”?

Read more “Personal Branding for Creators: Find your Story”